Broughton Plant Hire & Sales


JFK Electrical Annual Charity Golf Day for Winston’s Wish Charity at Kendleshire Golf Club 

✅ At Broughton Plant Hire & Sales, we like to support our loyal clients and their charities.

✅Our ASM, Paul Isaacs has helped us do just that.

✅We helped to support a great golf day for JFK Electrical Annual Charity Golf Day for Winston’s Wish Charity at Kendleshire Golf Club.

✅Winston’s Wish Charity is the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity and have been supporting grieving children and young people since 1992. They continue to lead the way in providing specialist child bereavement support services across the UK.

✅Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and those who care for them. Their expert teams offer one off and ongoing bereavement support and provide online resources, specialist publications and training for professionals.




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